Viviana Ángel-Cruz

Special Projects Manager and CEO of Project Management

Washington, D.C.
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” -Audre Lorde

What I’m listening to these days:
Soul Food and Adobo by Princess Nokia

Viviana Ángel-Cruz is the Special Projects Manager at Aridai Consulting. Viviana strives to apply racial equity and anti-racism frameworks to all facets of life to fight for human rights and social justice. During her college career, Viviana managed various departments of a student-run non-profit, co-op, and worked as a residential assistant. Both roles allowed Viviana to start practicing project management skills and applying racial equity to her work. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with degrees in African American Studies and Political Science, Viviana continued her career in the non-profit and philanthropic sectors. During her time in those sectors, Viviana worked on racial equity competency, human resources, operations, recruitment, and strategy development.  

Viviana was born in México City, México, grew up in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, and lived in Massachusetts for 13 years. When Viviana is not managing projects and helping organizations use racial equity frameworks, she is reading, learning, watching movies, and dancing. Viviana also loves fashion and makeup, along with other forms of artistic self-expression.